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Blog > Affordable Advertising Options with Creative Twilight

Affordable Advertising Options with Creative Twilight

I am currently accepting advertisers who are interested in placing an ad on the site. The criteria for ads is simple.

  1. Ads must be relevant to our audience. The readers of this blog are interested in wargaming (Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine, etc), and the hobby surrounding it (modeling, painting, sculpting, etc). I’m not interesting in placing an ad up for shampoo or car tires.
  2. The ad must be appropriate for all ages and not be vulgar. I will not accept ads that are not appropriate to show to children, as they also visit the site. I also will not allow ads that are vulgar or offensive.
  3. Ads must be in an image format, such as JPG, PNG, or GIF. No other formats will be accepted.

That’s it.

Site Traffic

The big thing you’ll want to know is how much traffic Creative Twilight gets. Being a small blog in a niche market, currently the monthly average of visitors is 45,000. That is an average that continues to increase month after month.

Advertising Pricing

Below you will find listed the places you can advertise on the site. All prices are listed monthly, however, if need be we can talk about advertising rates for less than a month, CPM pricing, or per-click pricing.

That being said, the monthly price will be the cheapest option. Think of it as buying in bulk.

I will also try to update the below information to let you know what’s available or when something will become available. I only show one ad in each position, so you will always get maximum exposure in whatever placement you choose.

If you choose to advertise with us, you will be provided a report showing the stats of views and clicks to ensure you’re getting the value you expect.

Before H2 (Available)

Price: $45 a month
Size: 728×90

This spot shows up before the first H2 tag in any article, so at the top of any article. It is the most seen position of all the ad spots offered, and also the most clicked.

This ad spot must be a horizontal ad. A size of 728 x 90 looks the best, but a smaller ad can be shown instead as long as it’s horizontal and not vertical.

Inside of Article (Available)

Price: $35 a month
Size: 728×90

This position is shown in any article. As long as the article is long enough (almost all articles here are), then the ad will be placed inside the article.

This ad gets seen the second most of any position and is also the 2nd most clicked on ad placement I offer.

This ad spot must be a horizontal ad. A size of 728 x 90 looks the best, but a smaller ad can be shown instead as long as it’s horizontal and not vertical.

Below Article (Available)

Price: $30 a month
Size: 728×90

This position is shown below all articles on the site. While this position does not get seen the most, the people who do see it are dedicated readers, and so it performs well despite lower appearance than other positions.

This ad spot must be a horizontal ad. A size of 728 x 90 looks the best, but a smaller ad can be shown instead as long as it’s horizontal and not vertical.

Sidebar Top (Available)

Price: $25 a month
Size: 300×250, 336×280, or 300×600

The top right position in the sidebar is shown everywhere on the site. It’s above the fold, so it gets seen a lot and generates a good amount of clicks.

However, on mobile devices the ad is less likely to be seen as it will be shifted underneath the content area as the screen width is reduced.

This is still a great placement though and is the first one seen for anyone using a tablet or PC.

Sidebar Bottom (Available)

Price: $15 a month
Size: 300×250, 336×280, or 300×600

The bottom right position in the sidebar is shown on every page and article. It’s position means it’s not seen as often as the top right position, however, it tends to be visible about midway through the article in a spot the eye travels to. So, it’s a good spot for the money.

On mobile devices the ad is less likely to be seen as it will be shifted underneath the content area as the screen width is reduced.

Placing an Ad

If you are interested in running an ad with me, or getting more information, please use the form below.

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