Warhammer 40K: Into the Maelstrom (The Missions)
I got to play my first game using the Maelstrom of War cards and mission and I wanted to share my thoughts on playing the Maelstrom mission.
Miniatures refers to the small toy soldiers we use for games like Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, etc.
You will find painting and hobby tutorials for miniatures, battle reports, guides, and more.
I got to play my first game using the Maelstrom of War cards and mission and I wanted to share my thoughts on playing the Maelstrom mission.
In the fourth installment of the how to play 40K series I help you learn your army’s index, create your first army list, and give tips on buying models.
This tutorial will walk you through how to use Liquid Green Stuff to fill in gaps on your miniatures. It’s really easy to do and I’ll give you step-by-step instructions showing you how to create smooth blends with this one simple product. With a little practice you’ll be fixing gaps in no time.
Now I’ll cover the Warhammer 40K rulebook and give you tips for learning the rules of the game. The rules for 8th edition are really simple to learn, and you could be playing a game in no time.
There are a lot of Warhammer 40K armies/factions and choosing one can be tricky. So, I’ll share my advice on choosing the army that best suits you. I also have a list of every army in the game with brief descriptions to help you narrow down a choice.
This is the first part in a series on learning how to play Warhammer 40K where I introduce the game a bit and give an overview of what the game is.
I’ve painted up two more Chaos Spawn for my Chaos Space Marines using the Vargheists to represent my Spawn. They were painted with washes and glazes only.
This is a quick run through of my first few games with Imperial Assault, a tabletop miniature wargame by Fantasy Flight Games.
Time for an Age of Sigmar review after a few games. The hardest thing for me were the fluff changes. I wanted to see the End of Times reach a conclusion.
I’ve finished painting my Berzerker Skull Champion. It’s just a tabletop quality paint job but I’m happy with how he came out.
I have finally finished painting my Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut model for my Chaos Daemons. This was my first attempt at fully blending a model.
I recently picked up Assassinorum Execution Force and wanted to do a small review on the game. It’s a great standalone game with some great models.