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Blog > Miniature Editorials > Say the X like E (Gaslands) – Pole Position, Teams & Hazards

Say the X like E (Gaslands) – Pole Position, Teams & Hazards


    Such surprises as this title come easily out of playing Gaslands.  It’s a racing game allowing for players to have their own spin on the speed which makes this fun.

    Then how does X fit in?  It has to do with a Grand Prix.  So the last word means prize and that’s how the people in Monaco would say the word used in that very famous international race.

    Why did I use this race?  Well it has teams.  Just like Gaslands.  But individual approaches show up when playing this game because these rules allow such things.  Why not?

    Now consider pole position.  In the game there is a marker for it.  Also, Monaco gives this valuable starting spot to a skilled driver.  But in play a dice toss awards the location.

    True, a Grand Prix has no weaponized cars.  But here is where templates come into play.  Because this race has shown enough slides, crashes and collisions to prove how these put real life into small sized cars.

    Also their circuit, called a track over here, is full of enough twists and turns to scare the guy who sold your life insurance policy  Which means the four gates in this game really make do, in smaller scale, to show how this would represent a full circuit.

    Real life also shows up in the game’s ad:  “Mars is a lie.”  This too duplicates how ads litter real racing.  Ads sell things. No one reading this can deny knowing at least one product from these events. It almost makes one want to invent something to sell on a sign for their game.

    Hazards sort of tie into this. Aren’t they what makes a pit stop needed? True these are ways in the game to get rid of the ones you don’t want or need. But this is a real part of racing, too.  That’s why hazards, those problem things, help give racing miniatures a sense of being real. Yes! Life is when a tire, wheel and all, leaves a moving car. Think about this when you get the next game hazard.

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