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Showcase: Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh

    Well, I’ve finally finished painting a model I started working on in August of 2015, my Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh. So, it only took 16 months to do! It was a classic case of needing a model for something, changing my mind, and forgetting about it. I almost let this sit for longer still, seeing as I’m working on my Human Blood Bowl team, but it only needed a few more hours, so I figured it was time to finish it.

    Chaos Lord Gallery

    The Model

    Currently the Lord is armed with a Burning Brand of Skalathrax, and obviously a lightning claw. Everything – as usual, is magnetized, including torso to the Steed. So, I can swap arms, backpack, and even put on another rider, like a Sorcerer.

    The current armament was for a list idea I had at the time. Now that we have Traitor Legions, I’ll have to evaluate options for him. However, for the sake of getting the model complete, I just went with what I had already begun with.

    The Painting

    Overall I’m please with the model, but it’s not my favorite in this setup. The lightning claw is awkward I feel. I do like the rest of it, but another arm in place of that Lightning Claw would go a long way towards balancing out the model.

    The Steed of Slaanesh I’m very happy with. I think he came out well. It’s probably a bit too lean to be carrying a power armored Marine, but it looks cool in my opinion.

    Lastly, the model is my continued experimentation with getting better with blending. I don’t aim for perfect, seamless blending. I just want something that looks good at a distance. I did play around a bit more with a more NMM look to it, but it’s pretty subtle. I picture power armor being a matte finish for practicality, so I didn’t go as strong with highlights as you’d normally see with NMM.

    Well, one last completed model for 2016. I didn’t finish nearly as many models as I wanted to for this year, but I did get my Knight done, so I can’t complain.


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    8 years ago

    The claw position may be awkward due to being so out to the side vs the Flamer that is tucked in tight. However the pink glow off the blades gives a great eye popping element to the model.

    I also really like the deep snow the steed is working through.

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    If the claw hand was pointing forward rather than to the side it would look really slick.

    8 years ago

    Looks nice and glad to see him finished in the end.

    8 years ago

    Looking pretty sweet. Great work and one heck of a way to end the year!

    jack shrapnel
    jack shrapnel
    8 years ago

    nice job! The claw highlights really stand out, along with that banner… great job! (and I kinda like the claw position myself – looks like he’s about to shred someone up!)

    8 years ago

    I think for me, the issue with the arms is that they’re both raised. If he had the Burning Brand down at his side, I think it might work better. Other than that one little posing issue, tho (little because magnets), he looks fantastic. I wouldn’t worry too much about it not being bulky enough to carry a PA Marine, either. I mean, it’s a creature of the Warp. Their motto is basically “F#$% the laws of physics!” ;)

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Still easier to fix it with magnets than if it were glued, whether by replacing or repainting.

    8 years ago

    Looks awesome. I do have to ask what the line of thought was in selecting a lizard for Slaanesh.

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Ah. That makes sense.

    8 years ago

    Fantastic as usual! I agree with Westrider that it might look more natural with the brand rotated down. As it is it looks like he’s either rallying some troops or telling the enemy that they’re fucked because he’s the shit. So it still kinda works. The pain is spot on though. I really like how the purple of the steed goes with the rest of your scheme. Well done!

    Joe B
    Joe B
    8 years ago

    Fantastic work on completing him! The colors look awesome and I like the use of the Cold One. that’s hardcore you magnetised everything! Both the blends and the amazing snow base look great.

    Joe B
    Joe B
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Good point, you just need to look out your window for inspiration! How many feet do you currently have up there?

    Joe B
    Joe B
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    ‘only 10″… not too bad yet…’ hahaha! Oh to be in one of those states with snow… Seattle would literally implode with that amount of snow!