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40K Comic Book Battle Report – Chaos Marines vs Grey Knights

    I was going to give a dull intro to this with the usual stuff I say proceeding a battle report. Instead, I’ll change it up a bit.

    I have been using Abaddon a lot lately. He’s finally where he should be in terms of effectiveness (in my opinion), and it’s hard to not try him out. I’ve had a lot of luck with him in my games, so I’m trying to build something solid with him at the core.

    As for the game below, I do not yet own an Abaddon model. I’m going to buy the awesome one that Wargame Exclusive sells once it’s back in stock. Meanwhile, he’s the terminator Sorcerer in the report named Maelstrom.


    Disciples of Twilight vs Grey Knights


    It was a great game. Early on I put a lot of hurt on my opponent. I was rolling well, he wasn’t. I was confident by turn #2 that I had the game. However, as Maelstrom games go, he was able to climb back into the fight and take the lead to win the game.

    The Grand Master in Dreadknight was insane this game. The model won him the game. Not only was it blowing over my units, it was making saves like a champ. I just could not touch it.

    I’m still really liking Abaddon. It’s hard not to I think. He didn’t do anything amazing this game, but his aura buffs were useful, and he did remove Draigo.

    Saturday is the 1,750pt tournament we’ve all been preparing for, so let’s see how I do with this list there.


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    7 years ago

    Pow! Bam! I do not read comics neither play, I always read your comic book battle report!

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Sì, è corretto (yes, that’s correct): the the “I” pronoun subject drops and the object is the first word, while the verb is well declined!

    If there are features I love of English is its rationality, order, “simplicity” (in Italian, the simple present has 6 different word, one for each person) and regularity.
    Despite sometimes I mess with it lol!

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I’m the other way around. I can learn grammar and such easily, but have trouble picking up much vocabulary.

    Actually, learning German in particular was really interesting, because so much of English grammar still has some relation to its Germanic roots, even tho the two languages have diverged big time over the centuries. It was cool to find all those connections.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Yes, if I remember well German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other East Europe languages have the same indo-european roots, also influenced by Latin (lot of decliantions of verbs, male and female nouns,adjectives, pronouns, articles and so on). Latin is reflected also a bit in English language, above all imho -I am not a language student- in similar words.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Thor: In general, I’m better at learning systems than learning individual bits of information. It’s also why I was way better at Linear Algebra than at Calculus.

    Stats: German and the other northern European languages have little or no Latin influence, but do share the same Indo-European roots. English is something like 50% Germanic base, maybe 40% French (Latin-derived) mixed in thanks to William the Conqueror, and then the remaining 10% was stolen from pretty much everywhere else. Because it doesn’t use much in the way of declensions, case-markers, or gendered nouns, English is really good at adapting words from other languages.

    7 years ago

    You are nailing the shit out of the comic book format! I love reading these battle reports, Thor. Keep it up!

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    7 years ago

    I loved reading that report, bravo. I would personally prefer a little less diffusion in the filter but very good.

    Tough report and all but very enjoyable. Glad Abbadon is working well. Really tempted to run him in a full terminator list.

    7 years ago

    Warforce: “No! This cannot be! I am INVINCIBLE!” Bzzt. Splat ;)

    JD Brink
    JD Brink
    7 years ago

    That was awesome! How did you make that?! Is there some specific program or did you do it all the hard way. Super-cool approach, dude!
    In other news, my return to the States is in sight now and I look forward to actually playing a game sometime in the not too distant future!

    JD Brink
    JD Brink
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    so far looking like ann arbor, MI is the destination. should be heading back stateside around feb-march. :)

    7 years ago

    Great, great great. Love this way of telling us the battle

    Warren Falconer
    Warren Falconer
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I love this style. You need to link together a campaign of these get you a few story arcs going.

    Boss Salvage
    Boss Salvage
    7 years ago

    Boom! Another great comic report (I’ll admit this is a reread for me, caught this from some site or another). Related, I dig your Chaos dudes, and I get a very Decepticon vibe between their colors, names and stubborn return to battle despite past misadventures.