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How to Make Icicles for Miniature Basing Easily in a Few Steps

    I do a snow theme for the basing of my Chaos Space Marines. It can be difficult at times to make the basing interesting. Too much snow and you’ve got a white base. Too little snow and it can look odd and unrealistic.

    Being able to add in other little snowy details, like ice and icicles, can really step the basing up a level. So, today I’ll show you how to make icicles for your miniature basing.

    Previously I had only created icicles once for my Sorcerer in Terminator Armor. I was really happy with how they had come out, and I knew I’d want to try it again at some point.

    Well, the Chaos Master of Crusade model I bought had a great base for adding icicles to. So, I set about trying to document the process and learn how to replicate my previous attempt.

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    The Tools You’ll Need

    You only need a few things: hot glue gun, toothpick, and parchment paper.

    Hot glue gun for making icicles

    Regarding the parchment paper – this is a must. I know in other countries it’s called by other names, but in the U.S. we have two similar types of baking paper: wax paper and parchment paper.

    Wax paper does not work for this process, as I learned the hard way.

    You will be putting hot glue on the paper, and the wax paper melts a bit into the hot glue, thus making it impossible to peel off after. However, with the parchment paper you can peel the dried hot glue off the paper with ease.

    Creating the Icicles for My Miniature

    Time needed: 2 minutes

    This is so simple.

    1. Squeeze Hot Glue onto Parchment Paper

      Take your hot glue gun and squirt out a spot on the parchment paper.

      Then take a toothpick, or some other pointed object, place it in the hot glue and pull outwards. This should create a fork, two pointed parts in the hot glue.

      You have to do this quick and only once. The hot glue will dry pretty quick, so the toothpick will start sticking to the hot glue after 5-6 seconds.

      Glue Dried

      You can see the icicles already – the pointed parts of the glue.

    2. Peel the Glue Up

      I let the glue dry for a good 5 minutes and then peeled it off the parchment paper.

      Peeled Glue

    3. Trim Icicle Shape as Needed

      I looked for any oddities in the icicles and trimmed those away. Basically, I’m trying to make sure the point is sharp with no stray pieces of glue. Then I cut away the icicles from the rest of the glue.

      Icicles Cut

    4. Glue the Icicles to the Base, Miniature, etc.

      Next, I glued them to the base. I recommend using tweezers for this part.

      Also, worth noting is that the backside of the icicles will be flat, the side that was on the parchment paper. So, as you glue these on just make sure the flat side is facing inwards, leaving the rounded side out.

      Glued Icicles

    Sealing the Model

    I put the icicles on before I seal the model. The reason being that I have to glue them to an already painted surface, which isn’t ideal. When you do that then the icicles are more likely to pull away since they’re attached to paint, not the model itself.

    So, by sealing the icicles with the model I help create another bonding layer.

    Ideally I would glue the icicles to an unpainted surface. Then I could paint around them and in turn have a stronger bond.

    However, often times I don’t think about it until later, basically once I’ve got paint on there.

    One of these days I’ll do it the proper way. That being said, I haven’t had any issues yet with the icicles on the previous model I’ve done, so it holds up pretty well.

    Gloss Sealer

    Once everything is sealed, I came in with a brush on gloss sealer for the icicles. Not only does this make them shiny and look like ice, it’s another bonding layer for them to the glue point on the model.

    I applied two layers of gloss sealer.

    Gloss sealer applied to the miniature icicles

    The Finishing Touches

    The final step I did was to add the snow to the base of the model.

    I made sure to get it over where the icicles hang. Icicles are created by melting snow that freezes, so the snow is the source of them.

    If you’d like to see some more shots of the model then check out the Abaddon the Despoiler painting showcase.

    Icicles for Miniatures Reference

    Here’s a quick reference image if you’d like to save it.

    Another Miniature Icicle Example

    Here’s another model I did the same technique on. This was actually the first model I did it for.

    I thought I would show it so you can see the variances in the icicles. That’s the cool part with the technique, they’re unique every single time.

    You can view the full gallery of shots for the Sorcerer in Terminator Armor if you’d like.

    Other Icicle Ideas

    You could use this same technique to make larger icicles for terrain easily. Also, with paint you could turn the icicles into stalactites or stalagmites.


    That’s it! A very simple tutorial with, what I think, is a very convincing result for making icicles for your miniatures.

    Also, if you’re new to the hobby then you should check out my list of must-have miniature hobby supplies you need.

    If you have any other tutorials you’d like me to do then please let me know in the comments.

    Miniature Basing Tutorials

    More ways to create unique and interesting basing for your miniatures.


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    7 years ago

    I really do need to get around to picking up a hot glue gun one of these days. Those look great, and it really is a super simple technique.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I’m pretty sure I can also pick one up cheaply enough these days that it’s worth it even for just a single purpose. It would probably come in handy for some of my larger and more involved basing ideas, too, since some of those are essentially terrain building projects.

    That really is a wonderful feeling. I got a hit of that when I did my first test-fitting of the ForgeFiend heads on the Tomb Sphinx body. I was amazed at how well they went together.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Truth. Getting the arms to work on that same Model was a nightmare. And other projects, like my MaulerFiends and Keeper of Secrets, ended up stalling out for ages (I think those Fiends took me almost two years just to build) because I was stuck on an aspect that just wasn’t working.

    7 years ago

    The best tutorial are the ones that explains smart ideas to reach great results, and this is one of them, well done! I think that the “goldest” hint you give is that it is necessary to think well where to put the icycles according to the snow.

    I knew that someone used to melt the transparent sticks of the flying miniature to make 3d icycles, but it was messy, dangerous (toxic exhalations) and difficult (keep the flame too much close to the stick could make it burnt). Any idea for a 3d result? Maybe mixing thin fishing wire, to create a transparent skeleton -also extremely useful for blood drops-, and your glue technique!

    EDIT: I mean 3d icycles the ones without the flat part given by the parchment paper.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    That’s my idea (more or less), with the transparent fishing wire.
    It seems we need a second part of this tutorial after some experiments! Just joking of course.

    Wilhelm Krönsberg
    Wilhelm Krönsberg
    7 years ago
    Reply to  stats

    To melt stuff, use a heat gun, not a flame. If you need careful application of heat, a common smoldering Iron is MADE for that.

    Don’t ever try to melt metal models, the diffusion of heat will make your model look like a single ball of pewter.

    7 years ago

    Thanks! However I’m not going to melt anything, it was just a comparaison of techniques.

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    7 years ago

    Great work, a nice clear tutorial. It is tempting now.
    Regarding other tutorials I would love to match your level on faces.

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    The master of crusade?