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Blog > Miniatures > Miniature Hobby > Rebel Grot Commissar Finished for Astra Militarum (Showcase)

Rebel Grot Commissar Finished for Astra Militarum (Showcase)

    I finished painting my Rebel Grot Commissar.  I am pretty happy with how he came out.  Now my Rebel Grots have a proper Commissar, maybe a Lord Commissar or even Yarrick!  I still need to get some sealer on him then he’s ready for the table.  Here are the pics!


    So there’s my Commissar conversion all painted up.  Let me know what you like or what you thing I could have done differently!



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    9 years ago

    Great job. I like the work on the power fist since the last update. I also like how the hat pops and stands out, as it should.

    One suggestion, get a small dot of white in the corner of the bionic eye to help sell the effect.

    You’re going to have to put this guy in every list now just to show him off.

    herr zinnling
    9 years ago

    Excellent! I especially like the power fist and the corpse.

    9 years ago

    Very, very cool! I can see him stumping around using that power fist as a crutch, ape-style.

    9 years ago

    Great work! The only thing I’d suggest is a bit of glint in his bionic eye to make it pop a bit more. Otherwise a fantastic and lovely mini!

    9 years ago
    Reply to  greggles

    I said that already… ;)

    9 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Haha yes you did…sorry :(. Well, listen to thor!

    9 years ago
    Reply to  greggles

    Just don’t let it happen again ;)

    9 years ago

    Wow, he looks amazing. I enjoy these articles to see these from the start to the finished product. Motivates me to keep my projects working. Keep it up! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

    9 years ago

    Very cool. Full of character, and a great centre iece for your army :)

    Joe B
    9 years ago

    Very cool, the paint job looks good and the corpse he is stepping over is a great touch

    Warhammer 39,999
    9 years ago

    Nice work. I like the dirt on the bottom of the victim’s feet.

    9 years ago

    About bloody time! That’s a great model. The rip-off-the-Imperium Ork armies always look so characterful.