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Rest in Peace, Mom


    This morning at 5:30am my mother in law passed away. She suffered from congestive heart failure and was in the late stages of kidney failure. She fought a long hard fight but it was the first fight she could not win.

    I wanted to share what my wife wrote.

    SunsetThis photo is my Mom’s last sunset. Joan Willey Tucker joined her family in Heaven, Sunday morning. My big sister Persis and I stayed by her side so she was never alone and we made sure she was in no pain.

    She rallied on Friday and had a beautiful visit with her husband, Lionell of 65 years, but soon after, her broken heart could no longer sustain all that she had been enduring.

    We transitioned to hospice and constantly held her hands. Our husbands Bill and Tony supported us while we all kept Mom comfortable. We even had a few sleepless laughs and played some of Mom’s favorite country songs including Dad’s and her favorite song by Ray Price: For the Good Times.

    After more than 15 hours of no communication, I leaned down to her ear and told her I loved her. Her eyes jumped open and Persis and I were given the most precious gift- we had 25 lucid moments to hear her say I love you, I love my husband; and we talked and listened to her share that “everything was beautiful”. Her last words were all encompassing for even those who recently had not done right by her: “I love you all”.

    She slipped back into her deep sleep until early this morning when my sister and I heard her final breath.

    Our hearts broke yet again when we went to the nursing home to tell our father Lionell that his Bride had gone to Heaven. It took true strength and courage for us all.

    Godspeed Mama.

    We lost my mom eight years ago unexpectedly to a brain aneurism. My mother in law, Joan, was crushed as everyone should have a mother. She was an amazing mother to me and did absolutely everything she could for my wife and I.

    I could say so much but my wife’s words say more than I ever could. It has been a long few days with heartache and tears but my mom is now finally at peace and can get the rest she so deserves.

    Love you, mom.


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    9 years ago

    My deepest sympathies.

    9 years ago

    So sorry for your loss.

    9 years ago

    Very sorry for your loss.

    Dave G
    Dave G
    9 years ago

    Sorry to hear.. All my best to you and yours.

    The Warlock
    The Warlock
    9 years ago

    Deepest sympathies to you and your family, Thor

    9 years ago

    So sorry for your loss Thor. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

    9 years ago

    I am sorry to hear for your losses both recent and in the past. Take care.

    Warren Falconer
    Warren Falconer
    9 years ago

    condolences from my whole family Tony.

    Tyler Provick
    Tyler Provick
    9 years ago

    My condolences on your loss, Thor.

    9 years ago

    My condolences. Hang in there.

    Per Hagman
    Per Hagman
    9 years ago

    Sounds like a good woman, she will always be in your hearts.

    Joe B
    Joe B
    9 years ago

    Thor, my sympathies to you, your wife, and the rest of her family.

    Da Mad Mek
    Da Mad Mek
    9 years ago

    Here is some support. I just went through something similar. It sucks. Sorry for your loss.

    9 years ago

    My sympathies for you never easy to lose a parent or parental figure
    life is the sum of your actions and those you touch while there are those that remember and love her she will still be with you. Try to take some comfort from that or whatever faith you have and remember her fondly.

    9 years ago

    Oh wow. My condolences to you and your family. It sounds like you ver very lucky to have her in your life. And the fleeting moments of lucidity at the end at least offered the opportunity to say goodbye properly.

    9 years ago

    Deaths in a family can be very difficult. Deepest condolences to you and your wife.