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Keeper of Secrets Painting Showcase

    Lately I’ve been doing some work on old models; mostly rebasing them. Well, the Keeper of Secrets has been on my rebasing list for years – literally.

    With 8th edition having arrived, coupled with my desire to try him/her out, and the fact I had to repair an arm, the Keeper got some work done and proper pictures taken of him/her.

    Keeper of Secrets Gallery


    The Keeper was the very first big dameon I painted when I got into Chaos Marines 6 years ago. As such, it’s far from an amazing show piece. However, I really enjoy the model itself, so I tend to overlook the simple painting techniques I used on it. I think it’s a solid tabletop painting job.

    The sword OSL (object source lighting) is (I believe), the first I ever attempted. You’ll notice the not so great blends of the pink on the sword, and top of the Keeper’s head. We all had to start somewhere!

    Broken Arm

    The left arm snapped off the Keeper months ago. Somehow it snapped off in my army bag. I was so disheartened that I set the model aside to ignore it.

    The arm had been green stuffed to fill in gaps, and the snap created some very visible paint chipping. I had no idea what I was going to do to fix it. I knew I couldn’t fill in the seam and blend paint in. I’d never be able to match the paint up right. Then I got an idea.

    I decided to do some really simple sculpting to create a ribbed like band around the seem. This look mimics other areas like it on the Keeper already. Fortunately, I remembered how I arrived at that pink’ish color, and was able to match it up pretty well.

    So, if you’re wondering why my Keeper has an organic band around his left shoulder, that’s why!


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    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    7 years ago

    Good stuff. Nice repair work that fits in well with the model. While your painting has come on a lot I wouldn’t say this is no good. I like it!

    7 years ago

    Oh yes, I like Shim!
    That is a great repair on the arm and it’s such a simple but clever idea.

    Great work!

    7 years ago

    Looks nice! I know you can see all the stuff that you wish you’d done better, or do better now, but as someone seeing the Model for the first time, it’s a good one. Excellent thinking on the repair job, too.

    I really need to get over worrying about screwing mine up and get her finished.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I think I’m going to tackle that as my project after OFCC at the end of the month. Right now I’ve got 17 Assassins, 3 Inquisitors, and an Alpha Legion Kill Team that I need to get finished up for that first.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I know that feeling. Stepping back to my Nids for the last year. Had the come up with a new scheme (caprice color I used no longer exists). I anted something that would allow my old Nids (first 40k models) to fit in on the table but also move them forward with my painting skill. Settled for an 75% pa Not quality. Huge step up from the old but also simple enough to really churn out models. My focus has been on speed the last 6 months and at this point I’m about 2-3 times as fast as I was a year ago for the same paint quality.

    7 years ago

    Excellent repair on the shoulder. Almost looks better with the extended ribbing. Solid piece.

    Mihalis Skalkos
    Mihalis Skalkos
    7 years ago

    Fine work with this model! Great colors and transitions. I am not overly fond of this head variant though, I still prefer the old school cattle head :P

    Kenneth Raymond
    Kenneth Raymond
    7 years ago

    I love the greater daemons from this period {Apart from the Great unclean one} and still use them occasionally (I personally prefer the cattle head but this head works just as well.) and your paint job does make the model look very striking.
    My gaming group hates my KOS (as in one game I got the Acquiescence (slaanesh) and Invisibility(telepathy) psychic powers. Thus making him immune to all blast and template weapons as well as denying overwatch. He chewed through a three strong carnifex brood, a hive tyrant, a squad of black Templar terminators with emperors champion before finishing the game locked in combat with four different units. Ah memories)

    Kenneth Raymond
    Kenneth Raymond
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Well that has only happened once (getting either of those powers was a minor victory and both was overkill). Normally it is as you describe near instant critical existence failure as every single gun (that is not targeting anything more lethal) fires on the model usually in Turn 1.
    Oh well time will tell where the 4 greater daemons sit in 8th Ed. (maybe it won’t degenerate into a just take the lord of change style affair like in 7th)