Veterans will already know these tricks for how to save money on Warhammer 40K, but if you’re new to the game then there’s a lot to be learned because Warhammer 40K is expensive.
There are a lot of little ways you can save money when you buy for Warhammer 40K, especially when you’re just starting out. When you’re new to the hobby you’re in need of everything. The range of things you need to buy is large, so it’s easy to find most of it at a discount.
Anyway, let’s jump in!
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This is probably the most obvious, eBay. This is where I do most of my shopping when I’m starting a new army because with some luck you can find some insane deals. Granted, often you’re buying used models in various states of disrepair, but nobody said saving money didn’t require a little work ;)
If you don’t mind having to strip paint, fix damage, or reassemble models, then eBay is where you’ll save the most money for any army – hands down. Also, sometimes you’ll have to settle for older models, like earlier sculpts (often metal). However, if you’re like me, then you’ll find having classic models mixed in with newer ones just makes things more visually interesting.
eBay Stores
Here’s a list of specific sellers on eBay worth checking out. Thanks to Dave for providing most of these.
These are listed by country, but you’ll find most will ship internationally.
Hoard O Bits – Used these folks a few times for bits. Great selection and fast shipping.
The Warstore – Same shop you’ll see listed below in online retailers, but this is their eBay shop. I’m not 100% sure they’re still using it though, FYI.
For the longest time I overlooked Amazon; probably because eBay is cheaper. However, if you’re after the current range of models then Amazon is a great place to buy them.
Amazon will have a handful of retailers selling new packaged boxes of almost every kit that Games Workshop offers. The discount tends to be anywhere from 10% – 25%; sometimes more and sometimes less.
Online Retailers
These are the folks who sell the product through their own website. Generally you’ll save a bit off retail when you buy 40K products through them.
Wayland Games – A large online retailer in the UK. The discounts range around 20% for most stuff you’ll find.
US Stores
Chaos Orc’s Superstore – I haven’t bought from them in a while, but they were always great when I did.
Hoard O Bits – Same folks mentioned above in the eBay stores. You can save a little more by buying direct from them.
The Bitz Barn – They used to have their own store, but apparently now they’re selling on Amazon. Good selection of bits anyway.
The Warstore – The biggest and best discount retailer in the US for wargaming.
Rulebook & Codex
The major focus on this article is on the models. That’s where you’re going to spend the vast majority of your money in the hobby of 40K. However, new players will need to buy a rulebook and a codex for their army.
Now, the starter sets below will cover you on the rulebook for cheap. However, if you aren’t going that route then your cheapest options would be eBay, as mentioned, Amazon, and the online retailers above.
If you would like a list of every 40K army with their respective codex then I’ve got you covered.
Optionally, you can go the digital route as well and get them cheaper than the physical equivalent.
40K Starter Sets
These starter sets can be rare gems. I say rare because these don’t come out often and they get bought up quickly when they do.
A starter set usually comes out when there’s a new edition of 40K. The starter set will contain dice, rules, and two small armies so you can learn the game.
The models used in the starter sets are unique to the starter set, so you can’t buy them on their own. This makes buying one appealing to veterans, but there’s other reasons veterans like them as well.
The other reason, the major reason, people like buying these 40K starter sets is the cost. Often times these starter sets will save hundreds of dollars over buying the components on their own.
Plus, these tend to include a smaller, more portable version of the rulebook, which is appealing for travel; plus, it saves you from having to dish out money just for a rulebook.
If you’re new to 40K then a starter set is a great way to jump into the game, assuming you’re interested in one of the armies in the set that is. A lot of people will go halves on a starter set with a friend who wants the other army. Veterans will buy the 40K starter set to get the few things they want and then eBay the rest for a profit.
You really can’t go wrong with getting one.
Dark Imperium
This is the 8th edition starter set containing two armies, the Death Guard and Ultramarines. It also contains the rules for the game, psychic powers, and everything you need to get going in 8th edition.
For the Ultramarines there is:
1 Primaris Captain (exclusive)
2 Primaris Lieutenants (exclusive)
1 Primaris Ancient (exclusive)
Two 5-man Intercessor Squads
3-man Interceptor Squad
5-man Hellblaster Squad.
For Death Guard there’s:
1 Lord of Contagion (exclusive)
1 Noxious Blightbringer (exclusive)
1 Malignant Plaguecaster (exclusive)
7 Death Guard Marines
1 Foetid Bloat-drone
20 Poxwalkers.
There’s is a HUGE savings in this starter set.
It’s a pretty amazing deal. Find someone to split the set with to save money, or put the army you don’t want on eBay and make a profit. You can’t lose!
The latest offering from Games Workshop featuring something new, Necrons and Mechanicum. There’s some exclusive models inside too, which is making it really popular.
For the Mechanicus there is:
2 Armiger Warglaives (exclusive mini-Knights)
10 Skitarii Rangers
1 Tech Priest Dominus
And for the Necrons:
1 Cryptek (exclusive)
5 Immortals
5 Lychguard
3 Canoptek Wraiths
It does also contain the core rules for 8th, and some supplements to play a campaign featuring those two armies.
This is a good deal and has some very cool exclusive models.
Dark Vengeance
This is an old starter set for 40K that originally came out for 6th edition, and was later revised for 7th edition.
So, this will contain a defunct rule book, but it’s still a great buy. It has miniatures for both Dark Angels and Chaos Marines.
Again, go-in on this with a friend to save money, or sell off the other army on eBay for a profit.
Released in 2019, this is a starter set featuring Chaos Daemonkin and Ultramarines.
The boxset features:
Campaign Book
Codex: Vanguard Space Marines
Codex: Daemonkin
2 Transfer Sheets
Fold-out 40K Core Rules
The breakdown for each army is as follows.
Vanguard Space Marines:
1 Captain
1 Librarian
1 Lieutenant
3 Suppressors
3 Eliminators
10 Infiltrators
For the Daemonkin:
1 Master of Possession
1 Venomcrawler
2 Obliterators
2 Great Possessed
10 Chaos Space Marines
The best part of the miniatures is that they are all unique and this is the only place to get them so far.
Start Collecting/Army Bundles
Most every army has one of these, a box that bundles a few units together and offers it at a discount of around 25%. These army bundles, now called Start Collecting!, are perfect for newer players. The units offered tend to be fundamental units to that particular army, so ones you’ll want to own.
As such, it’s a bit less appealing to veteran players, as they often own those units in quantity already. However, sometimes the Start Collecting! sets will contain units of interest even to veteran players.
Below I’m going to attempt to break down each army and the bundles available to them. Note though that not all armies have bundle deals, so you won’t see every army below. Also, all the pricing is in USD, so you’ll have to convert as needed.
Adeptus Mechanicus
Start Collecting! Skitarii
This is a solid starter set with units you’ll be using. It’s a smaller starter set that contains:
So, there’s some great savings on units any new Guard player will want.
Blood Angels
Start Collecting! Blood Angels
This contains:
1 Terminator Captain
10 Tactical Marines
1 Baal Predator.
A great buy-in for new players with all the units being useful. You’ll have a solid foundation to build your army up from with this.
Blood Angels Archangels Orbital Intervention Force
This is another defunct formation set from 7th edition. Still, if you like Terminators then this might be worthwhile.
There are:
Two 5-man Assault Terminator Squads
5-man Terminator squad.
This honestly is not an amazing deal but it’s something.
Death Company Strike Force
Another 7th edition box set. This one has:
10 Death Company Marines
5 Death Company Assault Marines
1 Death Company Dreadnought
1 Death Company Champion.
Not the best deal out there, but it’s almost like getting that Dreadnought for free; so, it could be worse!
Space Hulk
This is a classic board game from Games Workshop. It’s gone through a few different versions and remains a favorite of many gamers. Oh, it’s also not available unless you find people who stocked up on it; and you will.
Other than being a good board game, it also has some really nice models.
Sergeant with power sword
Sergeant with thunder hammer
6 Space Marines with storm bolters
Space Marine with heavy flamer
Space Marine with assault cannon
Space Marine with lightning claws
Librarian with force axe
22 Genestealers
1 Broodlord
So, you can buy Space Hulk and save a fair bit of change.
Chaos Daemons
There’s quite a few ways to save with Daemons.
Start Collecting! Daemons of Khorne
This set has the following:
1 Herald on Blood Throne
3 Bloodcrushers
10 Bloodletters
All the units are useful in 8th, so it’s a good starter set for lovers of Khorne.
This is a better deal than the old set, but still not the most amazing way to jump into CSM I feel.
Start Collecting! Chaos Space Marines
The Start Collecting! set for Chaos Marines has:
1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor
10 Chaos Space Marines
1 Helbrute
Honestly, it’s not a great starter set. Chaos Space Marines aren’t terribly efficient despite being a core Troop for CSM. The Chaos Lord and Helbrute are good though, so it comes down to what you’re after.
Burning of Prospero
A 30K board game that focuses on the Thousand Sons losing their homeworld to the Space Wolves.
While this might not seem like a lot of models, and it isn’t, the value of them in the game is high. Deathwatch are a very elite army, so you are getting more than it would seem.
This is the Deathwatch side of Overkill. All the models are exclusive to the set. Also, thanks to TheRhino for pointing this one out that I had missed.
A brand new offering containing Genestealer Cults and Space Wolves.
Other than the models, the box also contains:
40 Page book with background on both armies and the setting
9 Datasheets
4 Echoes of War missions
Point values for every miniature included
Speaking of, for miniatures Tooth and Claw has:
Genestealer Cults
1 Genestealer Cults Abominant
5 Abberants
1 Acolyte Iconward
5 Hybrid Metamorphs
8 Genestealers
Space Wolves
1 Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader
1 Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
5 Primaris Intercessors
3 Primaris Aggressors
1 Space Wolves Primaris upgrade sprue
For the price you’re getting a great deal on this, especially if you can find someone to split the box with if you don’t need one half of it.
Imperial Knights
These suckers are expensive, so thankfully you can get some savings.
Imperial Knights: Renegade
This is a box that comes with 2 Knights (Imperial & Renegade), as well as some cool industrial terrain.
In addition, it’s a complete game as well so that you can duel with your Knights. The game itself is pretty simple, and people just buy this box for the discount on the Knights, but some people seem to enjoy it.
While not technically an army, there is a great deal for getting all 4 assassins.
Assassinorum: Execution Force
This is a board game that was put out in 2015. It focuses on the 4 Assassins and a small Chaos force. Included in the game are:
1 Vindicare Assassin
1 Eversor Assassin
1 Callidus Assassin
1 Culexus Assassin
1 Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armor w/Familiar
3 Chaos Marines
15 Cultists
Most people buy this just to get the Assassins. You’re saving a bit if you can sell off the other army, or have someone go-in on the game with you.
Green iz best!
Start Collecting! Orks
For this set there is:
1 Painboy
5 Nobz w/Ammo Runt
11 Boyz
1 Deff Dread
Overall the units are useful as well. Currently Orks are waiting on a codex, so the true merit of this set is yet to be determined.
Battleforce Orks Kult of Speed
My personal favorite way of running Orks – fast!
Included is:
1 Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
1 Battlewagon
1 Trukk
3 Warbikers
11 Boyz
5 Lootas
I would seriously consider this kit if I were starting Orks again. If you like speed, and want some firepower, then this is a worthwhile buy.
Space Marines
Start Collecting! Space Marines
First up, this can be useful to any Space Marine player, be it Blood Angels, Dark Angels, etc. Of course the models will be generic Marines, so no specific insignias, but if you don’t mind that then it’s a good buy for any chapter.
I figure foam trays for your miniatures is worth mentioning as well. Most of us use them to put our models into, and as long as you’re buying models you’ll need foam trays.
There’s no denying that Battle Foam has become the gold standard of foam trays, but it’s also very expensive. I’m not saying it isn’t worth the money, however, if you’re looking to save a few bucks then you can check out my tutorial on making your own foam trays.
I also have a site dedicated entirely to miniature storage solutions you may be interested in. That blog covers everything from foam trays, to carrying cases, and even paint racks. Not the most fun thing to read about, but I’d like to think it’s useful information.
Warhammer 40K is a great game, but it can be imposing to get into when you start looking at the cost. So, definitely look over the deals above, use eBay and Amazon, and you’ll be surprised how much money you can save.
That should cover the major deals on how to save money on Warhammer 40K. I will try to keep this updated and current, but if you know of something I’ve missed then please let me know in the comments.
I have been in the miniature hobby since 2006 when some friends introduced me to Warhammer 40K. I'm a huge fan of Blood Bowl and I have an endless collection of teams for it.
I love painting miniatures and teaching people how to paint. I also really love blogging, so I've combined those two passions here.
Well that was a superb article. Well thought out with a dozen ways to tempt me into new armies. I must resist. Cheers for taking the time to do such a good run down.
Amazing work, I honestly expected a series of shorter articles to spread it all out and reduce the burden but you’ve done an amazing job. Don;t know if you want to continually update it there are a few more 3rd party retailers out there [here are a few more]:
I had thought about doing smaller articles, but at the end of the day it made more sense to have one centralized resource instead of 10 spread out; and thanks :)
I’ve added those stores to the list above now and broken things down by country. I really appreciate you sharing those. There’s just so many places to buy that it’s hard to keep up, nevermind track ones in another country.
7 years ago
The Dark Vengeance set is also noteworthy because some of the Cultists from it (functionally speaking, the Champions, Flamer, and Stubber) haven’t been released anywhere else.
There are also a few places that Conversion can save some cash with fairly minimal work. SM Veterans are probably the best example. Slap some scopes on your Tactical Marines’ Bolters and as much other bling as you can fit and bam, now they’re Sternguard. Only you just got 10 for $40 instead of 5 for $50.
The Burning Chariot of Tzeentch is also a fantastic deal. Beyond the options given, it’s also possible to convert it into a Herald on a Disk, which normally costs as much as the whole Chariot kit, and then leaves you with 3 Blue Horrors, an Exalted Flamer, and (with some cutting and trimming) a pair of Screamers.
Oh, yeah, and one more for the SM Players: Never buy Rhinos. $4 more for a Razorback sprue on top of the regular Rhino stuff is a steal, and it’s incredibly easy to leave the two top plates swappable.
And with a few Plasma Pistols you can convert the Ravenwing Bikes into Black Knights, even more savings.
7 years ago
I didn’t read the breakdown of everything once you got into the saved dollars, but FYI the entire Deathwatch side of Overkill is now available by itself in one box. Kill Team Cassius costs $65.
Also of note is that lots of the stuff Hoard O Bits sells on ebay is actually cheaper of you buy direct from their website. Usually about 10%, because they’re not having to pay the eBay fees for sales.
It is an AoS box, but nurgle daemons are the same. 160 $. Same daemos than start collecting nurgle, minus the herald and with a Horticulous slimux. And the stormcast eternals.
More interesting boxes for marines:
Betrayal at Calth 150$. Comes with 30 space marines 5 cataphractii terminators, 1 Comptemptor dreadnought, one captain in atapharctii armour, and one “officer”.
Burning of prospero 150$. 30 space marines, 5 tartaros terminators, 5 custodians, 5 sister of silence and two characters.
7 years ago
Drukhari: Gangs of Comorragh. 60$. 10 Hellions (50$) and 6 reavers (79.5$)
I think another way of saving money, or at least getting better value, is buying forces that can be used in more than one system. Chaos Daemons are the ultimate example, since they can be used in 30k (with Word Bearers), 40k and Age of Sigmar. Its also quite easy to build a Space Marine, Mechanicus, Renegades and Heretics or Guard force that is useable in 30k and 40k. Genestealer Cult forces can be used in 40k and Necromunda, and other Necromunda gangs could find roles as Cultists in a Chaos Space Marine army, as acolytes in an Inquisitorial warband in 40k, as part of an Imperial Guard army (depending on the gang), or even in a 30K Militia/Cults list.
If you want to be truly flexible, using ‘Imperial’ vehicles with a simple single colour scheme, and keeping any icons/spikes/trophy racks removeable (use magnets or just blue-tack) means you could use the same vehicles for multiple armies and periods. Black vehicles for example could be used in Black Legion, Iron Hands, Black Templars or Raven Guard armies, and in 30k and 40k. Then you could play as Loyalist or Traitor for the marginal cost of the extra infantry.
All very true. There’s definitely a lot of potential to cover the modeling opportunities in another article entirely. I think we’ve all learned a few tricks over the years for each army.
jack shrapnel
7 years ago
Great article! will be a handy resource to send people to when they’re considering venturing into a new army!
Well that was a superb article. Well thought out with a dozen ways to tempt me into new armies. I must resist. Cheers for taking the time to do such a good run down.
It was a ton of work, but hopefully its serves as a great resource for people.
Amazing work, I honestly expected a series of shorter articles to spread it all out and reduce the burden but you’ve done an amazing job. Don;t know if you want to continually update it there are a few more 3rd party retailers out there [here are a few more]:
Goblin Gaming:
The Outpost:
Triple Helix Wargames:
Dark Sphere:
Also on ebay there are a couple of well stocked stores for cheap items:
The Troll Trader:
AA Waargames:
Wytchfire studios:
Games Thriftshop:
I had thought about doing smaller articles, but at the end of the day it made more sense to have one centralized resource instead of 10 spread out; and thanks :)
I’ve added those stores to the list above now and broken things down by country. I really appreciate you sharing those. There’s just so many places to buy that it’s hard to keep up, nevermind track ones in another country.
The Dark Vengeance set is also noteworthy because some of the Cultists from it (functionally speaking, the Champions, Flamer, and Stubber) haven’t been released anywhere else.
There are also a few places that Conversion can save some cash with fairly minimal work. SM Veterans are probably the best example. Slap some scopes on your Tactical Marines’ Bolters and as much other bling as you can fit and bam, now they’re Sternguard. Only you just got 10 for $40 instead of 5 for $50.
The Burning Chariot of Tzeentch is also a fantastic deal. Beyond the options given, it’s also possible to convert it into a Herald on a Disk, which normally costs as much as the whole Chariot kit, and then leaves you with 3 Blue Horrors, an Exalted Flamer, and (with some cutting and trimming) a pair of Screamers.
Oh, right. Forgot that some of those Cultists are exclusive.
You’re absolutely right about converting as well. Hell, that could probably be another 3,000+ word article on its own…
Oh, yeah, and one more for the SM Players: Never buy Rhinos. $4 more for a Razorback sprue on top of the regular Rhino stuff is a steal, and it’s incredibly easy to leave the two top plates swappable.
And with a few Plasma Pistols you can convert the Ravenwing Bikes into Black Knights, even more savings.
I didn’t read the breakdown of everything once you got into the saved dollars, but FYI the entire Deathwatch side of Overkill is now available by itself in one box. Kill Team Cassius costs $65.
I completely overlooked that. Thanks.
Also of note is that lots of the stuff Hoard O Bits sells on ebay is actually cheaper of you buy direct from their website. Usually about 10%, because they’re not having to pay the eBay fees for sales.
I totally forgot they had a site. Thanks again!
Spanish on-line shops with discounts
There are a few more, but this two are the bigger ones
And, what do you think of blightwar box to get daemons of nurgle?. Then you can sell the Sigmarines.
I just added them. Gracias!
I’ll have to check it out – Blightwar. I’m not familiar with the set, but if it’s a discount then I’ll definitely include it.
It is an AoS box, but nurgle daemons are the same. 160 $. Same daemos than start collecting nurgle, minus the herald and with a Horticulous slimux. And the stormcast eternals.
I’ll add that in the list then. Thanks!
More interesting boxes for marines:
Betrayal at Calth 150$. Comes with 30 space marines 5 cataphractii terminators, 1 Comptemptor dreadnought, one captain in atapharctii armour, and one “officer”.
Burning of prospero 150$. 30 space marines, 5 tartaros terminators, 5 custodians, 5 sister of silence and two characters.
Drukhari: Gangs of Comorragh. 60$. 10 Hellions (50$) and 6 reavers (79.5$)
Awesome. Thanks again for these.
I think another way of saving money, or at least getting better value, is buying forces that can be used in more than one system. Chaos Daemons are the ultimate example, since they can be used in 30k (with Word Bearers), 40k and Age of Sigmar. Its also quite easy to build a Space Marine, Mechanicus, Renegades and Heretics or Guard force that is useable in 30k and 40k. Genestealer Cult forces can be used in 40k and Necromunda, and other Necromunda gangs could find roles as Cultists in a Chaos Space Marine army, as acolytes in an Inquisitorial warband in 40k, as part of an Imperial Guard army (depending on the gang), or even in a 30K Militia/Cults list.
If you want to be truly flexible, using ‘Imperial’ vehicles with a simple single colour scheme, and keeping any icons/spikes/trophy racks removeable (use magnets or just blue-tack) means you could use the same vehicles for multiple armies and periods. Black vehicles for example could be used in Black Legion, Iron Hands, Black Templars or Raven Guard armies, and in 30k and 40k. Then you could play as Loyalist or Traitor for the marginal cost of the extra infantry.
All very true. There’s definitely a lot of potential to cover the modeling opportunities in another article entirely. I think we’ve all learned a few tricks over the years for each army.
Great article! will be a handy resource to send people to when they’re considering venturing into a new army!
Thank you. That was exactly my goal too :)