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Warhammer 40K White Scars Scouts Painting Showcase

    Two posts in two weeks! Is hell freezing over…it sure looks like it outside.

    I was able to plug through my 10 man White Scars scout squad. I don’t know how well these guys will play out especially with the mixed weapon load out. They were pieced together from bitz and specifically for the FS narrative campaign, so I am not really worried about them being effective.

    White Scars Scout Gallery

    As far as how they came out, I was really pleased with what I achieved. At one point I thought I had totally screwed the pooch throwing on the oil wash after painting on the shoulder icons. The turpentine in it pulled off a lot of the markings. But, since my goal was to really play up the weathering, to end up with a unit that looked like they have been on campaign for months, I feel like I succeeded.

    It was a lot of fun to play around with pigments and oils to see what would happen.


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    11 years ago

    These guys look great. The weathering came out awesome; nice and gritty. Scouts are one of my favorite models and it’s nice to see them get this kind of attention.

    The list looks solid; a nice core of scoring bodies with support.

    11 years ago

    Very nice!
    I wouldn’t worry too much about armament. The bolters make for a good core, the snipers add something to the mix at range, and the shotguns add something up close. I was very sad that the missile launcher on the scouts went up in points so much. I find I keep cutting mine out of lists.
    Your big decision will be during deployment. Do you put the shotties up front to soak the first few long range wounds, or the snipers out front when advancing to close range.

    11 years ago

    These look great! They definitely have a nice mid-campaign feel to them.