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Painting Showcase: Bloodletters of Khorne for Chaos Daemons

    Not terribly exciting, but I did finish up five Bloodletters.

    Bloodletters Painting Showcase

    Painting Thoughts

    These guys got a tabletop standard paint job, so nothing amazing.

    I did spend some time on their swords though. Often when I do quick paint jobs like this, I will pick an element and make it the focal point, and the swords are an obvious choice here.

    It was mostly done with some basic layering and then a glaze over it after to try and smooth it out. I think they came out pretty decent.

    The skin was just base coated and washed. I did some quick dry brushing after to pick out some elements, and also some quick layers for highlights here and there.

    Again, just a really simple paint job on some models that probably won’t live very long ;)

    I think the color of these Bloodletters really works well against the snow basing. The basing is standard on my Chaos models, but some just look better with it than others.


    There you have it. I have five more Bloodletters to do but at the moment I don’t need them so it may be a while until I wrap up the rest of the squad.

    Time to see how these do on the table.


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    10 years ago

    They look great Thor, the swords really make them pop.
    Are you using them as allies or summoning them?

    Joe B
    Joe B
    10 years ago

    The orange swords are very nice but I also like the blue tongues.

    Sin Synn
    Sin Synn
    10 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Yeah I gotta second that- the blue tongue is really cool.
    Funny how the little things on models will make ’em stand out, but that blue really does the trick.
    Also helps that I’ve always thought they were cool lookin’ beasties.

    10 years ago

    I like the swords. Highlighting the edges so dramatically makes it look like the heat is focused into the cutting edge.

    10 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I’m not sure the powers of Chaos concern themselves too heavily with the laws of physics…

    10 years ago

    Very nice. I feel I am repeating the commenters below, but the blue tongues and orange swords really look good and make the minis stand out :)

    10 years ago

    Khorne models are the bestest. Something for you to maybe experiment with, and it worked wonders for my bloodletters, try giving all the bumpy areas and the face (especially the face) a light drybrushing of white. It brings out the details nicely and gives them a skull looking face.