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Blog > Miniatures > Miniature Hobby > My First DIY Homemade Display Tray for Wargaming

My First DIY Homemade Display Tray for Wargaming

    The LGS has trays to use to put your army on and carry around. The problem is the trays tend to be too small for my Orks.

    So, I finally got around to making my own display tray.

    I wanted to make something generic so I could use it for either my Orks, Marines or Necrons. As much as I enjoy woodworking, making three separate trays just didn’t make sense to me.

    With that in mind I set about making something that I thought looked like the deck of a ship. I could have added more details but the problem was thinking of generic detailing.

    In the end I just went for simple. The grooves and rivet holes are actually just that, grooves and holes. I wanted some texture, not just painted on details.

    I’m thinking of marking tournament accomplishments on the tray but haven’t decided 100%.

    The base of the tray is made with 1/2″ MDF. The rails, for lack of a better word, is some 1″ x 1″ wood stock I had from something.

    I picked up the handles at a local hardware store to make carrying it around much easier.

    The only downside is that this is a bit heavy to be honest. It’s not too bad, but I definitely could have made something lighter.

    Oh well. Live and learn, right?

    Anyway, pretty happy with how this came out. I also figured I’d show how easy it is to make a simple carrying tray for your miniatures. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something functional.


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    14 years ago

    I like it mate, looks good and is functional…make me one

    14 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    *cough* Scotland =P

    14 years ago
    Reply to  Thor


    14 years ago

    Ok, Thor- I’ll plead ignorance. What purpose does this tray serve? Don’t the dudes fall off? What’s wrong with foam?

    (maybe a clue here…) Are you laving them at the FLGS? are these intended to be a way to store them without a lotta hassle?

    Are they magnetized on the bottom?

    How did you make yours?


    Sorry, I ask a lot of questions. It’s just my general nature.

    10 years ago

    What are the width and length dimensions?

    10 years ago
    Reply to  Thor
