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Blog > Miniatures > Miniature Hobby > Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut Painting Showcase

Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut Painting Showcase

    Well, I finally finished my Herald of Khorne that I started longer ago than I care to recall.

    Let’s just jump straight into some pictures, of which I took many since I usually only do like four and always cover the same views.

    Herald of Khorne Gallery

    Painting Thoughts

    I’m very pleased with the end result. This was my first attempt at a fully blended model, which meant learning a lot of stuff on the fly. I did learn a ton.

    I do love how that halberd came out. I have a tutorial if you’re interested too.

    It’s going to be a very long time I think before I go to this length again. I mostly did it to see if I could and to push myself to learn.

    I learned I could do it and gained some valuable information in the process, so a success all around. However, it’s just not practical to spend this kind of time on a single model, even an HQ.

    I enjoy painting and everything, but my biggest enjoyment with painting is playing with fully painted models, not creating show pieces.

    Think what I’ll do with my new found info is apply it in a more practical manner where appropriate. I could definitely blend a model in half the time any element of this took and still have good looking results. It wouldn’t be flawless (not that this Herald is either), but it would still look good. I’ve always painted in a sort of dark gritty style, so blending the same way is more my style than this model was.


    Anyway, I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining. Again, I’m very happy with this model, and I’m glad I took the time to learn.

    I was also smart enough to remember to document my process, so everything I learned is on paper for future reference; a rare occurrence for me!


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    9 years ago

    I think this is the best model you’ve showcased yet thor. He is absolutely gorgeous. There is a ton of detail on him. I keep finding more things you worked on in the photos. Like the gumline, or the attention to detail in the snow. Just brilliantly done. Should be super proud. I’d consider this for entry in a contest.

    9 years ago

    You should be very proud of this, it is a lovely model and the colours and blending are all very smooth. The level of detail you go into leaves me behind on this one.
    I think you made the right choice taking so many pictures to really give a full view of it all. Bravo.

    Per Hagman
    Per Hagman
    9 years ago

    This is really some good work. Mindblowing I would say. Do you like a herald in the game?

    Per Hagman
    Per Hagman
    9 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I need to get one for sure :) Thanks for your answer

    9 years ago

    Looks fab Thor. I really like the blending you have achieved on the red. It looks great.

    The whole model works fantastically well, and the base tops it off nicely :)

    9 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Lol I know the feeling. I dont think the base detracts in any way from the model though. It still looks good and it will fit in with the rest of your army nicely.

    I hate painting black. Probably my worst colour to paint, apart from maybe yellow. I avoid it like the plague

    9 years ago

    Sweet. The blending looks great as does the model, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into it. Kudos.

    Warren Falconer
    Warren Falconer
    9 years ago

    Looks amazing can’t wait to see it in person.

    9 years ago

    Well done. That is one great looking Herald of Khorne. All those hours you spent on this model has led to a remarkable piece.