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Chaos Spawn Painting Showcase – The Unbound

    A few months ago I redid the basing on my Chaos Spawn unit. The unit was a collection of different snow basing techniques that I had tried out over the years. I thought it was time to unify the unit. I figured since the unit was finally unified, why not get some shots using the better setup I now have for pictures?

    Chaos Spawn Gallery


    This unit is known as The Unbound. In my army’s fluff they were once fellow Space Marines. However, a genetic flaw in their gene-seed, once exposed to the warp, caused their mutation into what you see. Either that or it’s the Chaos Gods having fun; one can never be sure!

    In game terms, they have served mostly as a bodyguard for Soulgore, one of my Chaos Lords who primarily rides his Juggernaut. While they are mutated, and mostly insane, they have retained some sense of who they once were, and remain loyal to the warband.

    Painting & Modeling

    The models I used as the Crypt Flayers, formerly known as Vargheists. While I do like the actual Chaos Spawn models, for just a few more dollars you get an extra model with Crypt Flayers. I also think these guys fit the role and look cool as well.

    It was years ago that I painted the unit. The first three I painted were the purple, green, and black ones. Those were painted pretty simply with a base coat and heavy washes – nothing fancy. The last two I did, the yellow/gold, and blue/purple ones, I did with zenith priming, then washes and glazes. It’s a technique I found very liberating to do, and one I plan to use again in the future on organic models like this.


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    Galán Del Águila Pacheco Cruz
    Galán Del Águila Pacheco Cruz
    7 years ago

    Like the concept of the corrupt gene-seed. Really nice work.

    Is there any chance you’ve noted down how did you paint that purple? Was looking to paint tyranids in a similar way

    Nils Holmbergh
    7 years ago

    I never considered using those models as spawns, I think it looks really good. I’ve never been a fan of the current spawns, well besides all the tentacles and eyes you get.

    I did a similar thing for my plague bearers. Didn’t like the current ones at that time, so I used Kroot bodies and the rest from the crypt ghouls and I quite like how they turned out.

    Nils Holmbergh
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Not sure if they are on there, but I had a couple at home so here’s a photo from my phone. comment image

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Nils Holmbergh

    That looks great! I might have to do some up like that myself. I need more Kroot Rifle bits for another project anyhow, and this would let me make use of pretty much the whole kit.

    Nils Holmbergh
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Westrider

    thank you, I really like them. one thing I would have done differently if I did it today is to include some weapons.

    7 years ago

    I’ve got a box of those lying around that I’ve been planning to make into Spawn for a while, but haven’t gotten around to it.

    I have mixed feelings about the varied colour scheme. It is totally fitting for Chaos, but I find I like the aesthetic of having some unifying element within a Unit, even in cases like this. Also they remind me a little of the bags of plastic monsters/dinosaurs that I used to get at the drug store for like a dollar when I was a kid. But they do look really good individually, and I suspect that when viewed more from above (as is normal on the table), the basing will help tie them together more. And like I said, very fitting for Chaos.

    Also, the name for the Unit makes me think you should do a Squad of Chosen or Terminators or something called The Battle-Forged ;)

    7 years ago

    They look well all based together.

    How do you think they will fare in 8th?

    Kenneth Raymond
    Kenneth Raymond
    7 years ago

    I like these, The colours work as a group of chaos marines dedicated to each god mutating into a form beyond their control. (it looks like an undivided, tzeentch, slaanesh, khorne and nurgle spawn menagerie)

    JD Brink
    7 years ago

    They look great! I love the bright colors and cool conversion details you added. I have some of the similar ghoul models that I’ve used as plague zombies and/or plague bearer daemons. I also have some fun ogres that I’ve mutated a bit to use as spawn, and the new stats in the 8th edition fit them even better than the last! Praise Chaos!

    3 years ago

    Love the models, Is there any way you could post the main colors that you did, just like what you did with mentioning the purple. If it’s not too much trouble.

    Thanks a million