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Garrek’s Reavers Painting Showcase (Warhammer Underworlds)

    I picked up Shadespire in February of this year (2018). I’ve been having a blast playing it, and since then I have slowly, ever so slowly, been working on painting up my Khorne Bloodreavers warband, Garrek’s Reavers.

    Granted, it’s only 5 models, but I wasn’t in a rush, and I really wanted to take my time on the models and enjoy the process. I also wanted to continue pushing my ability to paint skin, something I’m historically bad at.

    Another thing that took some time was quality. I wasn’t aiming at creating showpieces, but I also wanted something more than standard tabletop quality too. Once I worked that out, the process went quick, relatively speaking.

    For the final model in the group that I painted, Garrek himself, I went a bit above the rest in the warband in terms of quality. I have been wanting to experiment with the loaded brush blending technique, so I took it as a chance to do just that.

    I loved the results I got, and it made me wish I had done this on all the models, but Que Sera, Sera. Garrek was the last model, I wanted to spend some extra time on him, so I can’t afford to look back.

    Anyway, enough blabbering, here’s some pictures of Garrek’s Reavers!

    As always, click to make them larger.

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    Garrek’s Reavers






    Painting Thoughts

    Other than what I said above, I’m happy with how Garrek’s Reavers came out. I played around with skin tones a lot on these guys, each having a unique skin tone. I also really love working on darker skin tones. I find their easier to work with and more forgiving of mistakes.

    Anyway, I think the skin overall came out well. It’s light years ahead of what I used to do at least.

    I also wanted to play around with the Blood for the Blood God technical paint. I picked it up a long time ago and have used it on maybe one model so far. So, I did some experimenting with it on the Bloodreavers weapons. I wouldn’t normally do every model with a bloody weapon, but it seems fitting for these guys.

    Oh, the eyes, yeah, they’re just white. I tried doing pupils, kept getting frustrated, so I gave up on the idea and left them white. I did try doing red eyes on one model and didn’t like it. The white stands out more and pure white eyes are eery anyway.

    All-in-all I’m happy with how my Garrek’s Reavers warband came out.

    Garrek’s Reavers Skin Painting Recipe

    I’ve been asked a few times about some of skin recipes, so here they are.

    Anything noted with (V) is Vallejo, otherwise it’s a Citadel paint.


    • Base coat Pale Flesh (V)
    • Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
    • Blend back up with Pale Flesh
    • Selective shading with Reikland Fleshshade


    • Base coat Pallid Wych Flesh
    • Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
    • Blend back up with Pallid Wych Flesh
    • Selective shading with Reikland Fleshshade


    • Base coat Gorthor Brown
    • Wash with Druchii Violet
    • Blend back up to Gorthor Brown
    • Selective shading with Agrax Earthshade
    • Blend up with XV-88


    • Base coat Rhinox Hide
    • Wash with Druchii Violet
    • Blend back up to Rhinox Hide
    • Selective shading with Agrax Earthshade
    • Blend up with Mournfang Brown
    • Light glaze with Rhinox Hide


    • Base coat Elf Skintone (V)
    • Glaze with Tan (V)
    • Blend back up with Elf Skintone
    • Selective shading with Tan (V)
    • Blend up to Pale Flesh (V)

    For the skulls on the bases I used one of my standard skull techniques. I’ve got a tutorial on painting skulls, and the one I used is #1 in the list.


    Since these are now fully painted, I went and got myself a Feldherr Shadespire tray for the Bloodreavers. It’s a cool laser cut tray with slots for all your goodies.

    Bloodreavers Shadespire Tray

    The tray is actually pretty affordable and I highly recommend Feldherr.


    I now also have an A-Case+ magnetic case I’m using and I really like it. If you want to go the magnetic route then check out my full review on my other blog.

    A-Case+ Loaded
    A-Case+ Loaded My A-Case+ packed with a Blood Bowl team and 3 Warhammer Underworlds warbands.


    So, really happy with how the Garrek’s Reavers came out. I’ve been having a great time painting up stuff for Shadespire.

    I’ve got some helpful advice on using Garrek’s Reavers as well.

    Thor’s Warhammer Underworlds Warbands


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    6 years ago

    The skin is smooth as silk -despite I should not say this in front of them-. The shadows around Targor’s eyes are great! Amazing job. I always hate to do pupils: there are some tricks to to them, but I think the best is to have a top quality brush with a nice belly to not dry the color and a sharp tip. However I’ve not noticed the lack of it, white eyes are cool!

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    6 years ago

    That came put really well, bravo. The extra time and effort really shows.

    The blood effect paint is great, but I find it is very easy to over use. Thankfully you used it more in moderation.

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Good idea. The blood splatter effect can work really well at times, I just don’t have the knack of it.

    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    Rory (Stepping Between Games)
    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Very true, more for a “and then the Knight stood on him” sort of thing.

    6 years ago

    They’re my least favourite of the Warbands to play so far, but they do paint up really nicely. I always like seeing more varied skin tones. The eyes do look nicely creepy. Something else to try perhaps on future Models is to do them white and then a very light red wash over them. BftBG is definitely easy to over-use. Nice restraint with it here.

    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Ah, I can see that. Unfortunate.

    They’re not objectively bad or anything, I just don’t like how they play. I like the tougher brawlers, or the ones with all kinds of sneaky shenanigans. Orruks and Skaven are my two mains right now, and I expect the Bood Warriors to join them.

    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    The Flesh Hound was definitely a selling point. I’m always a fan of animal companions :D

    6 years ago

    Looking good.
    I never bother painting eyes anymore, because you can’t see them at arm’s distance anyways.
    I keep looking ay the Dwarf war band just to paint a bunch of skin as well. I don’t play, but they look like fun to paint. Skin is very satisfying to paint, which is why I’m including so many bare heads in my Raven Guard lately.

    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    I went with pale, Caucasian skin. I tried the alabaster skin thing, but it looked like garbage.

    6 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    My Raven Guard are similar to that guy. The background mentions that RG have almost pure white skin, and the attempts I made at that ended I up looking undead or just plain wrong.