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Blood Bowl League Trophies Painting Showcase (3D Printed)

    The Blood Bowl league I am the commissioner for has a trophy that someone donated. We, the league, had the grand idea to use it like the Stanley Cup where every team gets their name on it who won it.

    The problem though is that the trophy is in need of some repair and it’s barely holding together. It looks cool but needs a lot of TLC.

    Also, this trophy is left at the store we play at, which makes sense. However, as time goes on, the trophy gets more and more beat up, making it a near impossible task of keeping it looking good.

    So, I decided to bug a buddy of mine to 3D print some trophies. He obliged and I got to work painting up trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. That’s what I have to show you today.

    Now, I wanted to surprise the folks in the league, but the current virus going around that’s shutting everyone indoors has delayed our season playoffs. It may very well be months now before we can finish our playoffs and I just couldn’t sit quiet on these for that long :)

    Blood Bowl Trophies

    As mentioned, these were 3D printed. I found this on Thingiverse and thought it was perfect.

    The size is 3″ tall and just under 2″ wide at the cup, which I think is perfect so folks can carry these along with their teams if they so chose.

    I didn’t do anything elaborate for painting. I stuck to various washes, dry brushing, a little sponging, and some simple scratching. Painting on this surface wasn’t ideal for anything like NMM as it’s not really smooth.

    I’m happy with the gold, it appears very old and corroded, but it also made it look a lot like bronze at a glance. The only “fix” I could really think of was darkening the bronze more, as I like the gold look, but I didn’t want to make that too dark either. If nothing else the oxidation on the bronze sets it apart. Ah well.

    The blood was my big idea with these as soon as I saw them. Filling these up with blood, and using blood for the season number (6) just seemed perfect.

    Overall I’m happy with how these came out, even if they aren’t done using advanced techniques or anything. They just look like Blood Bowl trophies and that’s all I wanted.

    Video Showcase

    I also shot a little video for the fun of it.


    Not much else to say really. I just thought I’d show off my latest project.

    I’m also working on a barbarian bust, which you may have seen on our Facebook page. This was a nice break from that, but I’m going to try and wrap that up soon.

    Blood Bowl Stuff


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    John Jay
    John Jay
    5 years ago

    So awesome! These look great