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How to Paint Gold Easily in 7 Simple Steps (Tutorial)

    In this article I will be discussing my style for how to paint gold, and my tips in painting my style of gold.

    Obviously, this being my first “tutorial”, I would appreciate any feedback on the layout and general appearance of this tutorial. I want to make these tutorials very easy to follow, with simple visual guides, so hopefully I hit the nail on the head!

    Without further ado – how to paint gold!

    Tutorial on How to Paint Gold

    First Layer

    Over a primer surface (in this case white) my first layer is Warplock Bronze applied using a Warcolours Size 1 Sable brush.

    In my opinion this colour gives great coverage and adds a really great deep metallic feel to any metal you paint over it. I also occasionally start off with a layer of Rhinox hide under this layer, but I have realised that this doesn’t add much effect to the end product.

    Second Layer

    Over the basecoat we completely cover the Warplock Bronze with 2 thin layers of Gehenna’s Gold. This is a very liberal application and is meant to cover the Warplock Bronze, however if a small piece is missed, no harm done, just call it a “shadow” ;)

    Add a Wash

    A liberal wash of Agrax Earthshade is applied all over the gold to add a first layer of shadows and add some depth to the gold.

    More Washing for Deeper Tones

    Now the next step to add a an even deeper tone to the shadows is Druchii violet. Purple being the complimentary colour to yellow (Gold) will give a rich deep shadow to the gold and is placed in only the deepest areas of where you want a shadow.

    Building Up the Gold

    After allowing the Druchii violet to dry, Gehenna’s gold is relayed over the areas which are not in shadow. Ideally this should be many relatively thin layers, and complete coverage is not needed.

    Adding Highlights

    Now to add a layer of bright gold in the form of Auric Armour Gold to give some life to this metal. This paint is quite thin so its easy to create a smooth transition from the previous layer.

    Edge Highlighting

    Final highlights include an edge highlight of Runefang steel and sharp points and corners to give the appearance of a really shiny metal.

    Finished Product

    So now, this is how the gold appears with the backing of other colours and its look on a finished model.


    I really enjoyed painting these warlocks as it gives me a chance to vary a bit of colours throughout my army whilst still keeping in the theme of the overall army.

    Some of you may have realized that his is on a marble base, and I hope to be doing a tutorial for this in the near future. Meanwhile, Thor did do a tutorial on his marble technique.

    I do hope you liked my tutorial on how to paint gold!

    If you’re looking for stuff you should have for painting, the must-have items as a newer painter, then check out this article.

    If you have any questions on how to paint gold, comments, or suggestions, please let me know.

    Hope this helps!

    The Sable Warlock

    Specific Painting Techniques & Tutorials

    Check out these other tutorials covering specific techniques.

    Sable Warlock

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    8 years ago

    Great job on the tutorial. It’s a very thorough walk-through, which is perfect.

    I would never have thought to use purple as a shade on gold, but it makes sense once you mentioned it. What happens if you don’t do the brown shade first? Does it become too purple?

    The finished result looks great, and I’ll definitely use this method the next time I’m doing gold.

    8 years ago

    That’s what I figured. Basically, you’re glazing the gold with the purple.

    8 years ago

    I would never think to use a purple wash looks great. I know people who paint brown first, with gold i just put it over black…..maybe that’s why I get my stuff painted so quickly I’m lazy lol

    8 years ago

    Good call on the purple shading. I even knew that theoretically, but I never thought of using it on metallics.

    Also, very nicely done with the final Runefang Steel highlights. GW’s painters always make those way too heavy, and it ends up looking like something that was very cheaply gold-plated and it’s all wearing off.

    8 years ago

    I ran into it in relation to 2d painting, and never really made the conceptual jump to try it on minis.

    Also, this was perfectly timed, as I’m just getting into painting up my Silver Tower boxed set, which features a ton of gold, and if I get the shading a bit too heavy or something, well, a bit of purple will work just fine on Tzeentch stuff.

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Westrider

    I want that box set just for the cool Chaos stuff. I haven’t checked eBay yet to see what insane prices they are charging for the single models yet.

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Yeah, the Models are absolutely sweet. And I’m sure ludicrously expensive when split up for eBay. I should go check for Gryph Hounds, see if they’re more reasonably priced.

    Joe B
    Joe B
    8 years ago

    Fantastic. This is about 5 steps more than I typical paint my gold :-) The base of bronze and purple wash really helps create the depth. And the Warlock looks brilliant when finished

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Joe B

    I’m with you, though this process is only 3 steps more than my previous process.

    8 years ago

    The purple shade…awesome idea! Looting that!

    8 years ago
    Reply to  greggles

    Seems we all unanimously agree that the purple shade is the trick we’ve all been missing :)

    The Warlock
    The Warlock
    7 years ago

    So Link has Dark Link, I have…Sable Me? Good tutorial, by the way. I do like using the new GW golds over others as they seem a bit more pure in their values.

    4 years ago

    I’d love to know how you did that gem in the middle, it looks great and I want to do that with some Dreadhost Custodes.

    4 years ago
    Reply to  Smitty

    I’m not sure the author is still around. However, his technique would be pretty close to the tutorial I did here:

    4 years ago
    Reply to  Thor

    Thanks Thor! I have looked at your glass effect tutorial, and it was very helpful.

    What I was wondering is the color scheme – that Black transitioning into a reddish? yellowish? gold on the bottom is absolutely gorgeous and I’d love to recreate it on a model. I tried to get a lens effect with some yellows on a test model and it did not turn out well…

    I got better results with some Auric Armor gold as the offset point to a White Scar dot…

    4 years ago
    Reply to  Smitty

    Basically a very deep red->bright red->orange->bright orange->yellow is the layering order. You got to start very dark and go very bright to sell the look.

    If you wanted a yellow lens, then I’d start with a dark orange or a ochre color for the dark color, work up to yellow, but go so far as use white at the very bottom.

    1 year ago

    This looks incredible! I’m a new painter. Do you do each layer in one sitting or does it need a lot of time to dry in between layers?