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Blog > Miniatures > Miniature Hobby > Learn How to Paint Tabletop Quality Miniatures (Video)

Learn How to Paint Tabletop Quality Miniatures (Video)

    I had to paint two models to use on trophies for the Standish Standoff. Since they only needed table-top quality paint-jobs, I figured I’d make a video.

    The video is of me working on a Grot, but of course the concepts can be applied to any model you’re looking to paint.

    It’s a simple video, no big production, but hopefully useful to those looking to paint models to get on the table and are less concerned with the highest quality.

    I’ll apologize in advance for this not being the greatest video. I’ve done one video battle report prior, making this my second video ever. So, it’s rather amateurish.

    The video quality is fine though, so you can see what I’m working on, which is the most important part.

    After putting this video together I realized how much I say “Um” in it so I’ll be working on that going forward :)

    Anyway, here it is, and if the interest is there I’ll do more of these going forward, and I’ll be sure to get a better setup going.

    Oh, also, the Creative Twilight channel on YouTube is here if you feel like subscribing. We will be putting up more videos, so keep an eye out. I’d really love to grow our YouTube channel so I’d love to see you give us a follow there.

    Also, feedback would be very much appreciated on this video. I’m open to hearing anything that will make a video like this better.

    Now, if you’d like some more information on using washes then I’ve got a tutorial here on the blog as well.

    It goes over much of what was talked about in that video with a bit more depth. It also covers other elements that I didn’t in the video.

    Also, below you’ll find links to various other tutorials you may find helpful.

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    11 years ago

    Nice job! I think showing the actual application of paint would be helpful. Even if you broke this video up and did one on base coat, one about washing, and one on highlights. Overall it came out good, sound was clear, video was clear, content was excellent and length was easily watchable.